Sunday, January 18, 2009

Eagles fail, as usual

The Eagles lost their FOURTH NFC Championship Game today in recent years, which makes it a very good day. I actually like Donovan McNabb and hope that he now gets the hell out of that Godforsaken town so that I can root for the guy to succeed, but as for the rest of them, I take some joy in their humiliation and suffering. I hate Philly and the Eagles 10x more than Boston and the Red Sox, so anything that brings them pain brings me some sort of twisted happiness. Too bad the goody-two-shoes Steelers didn't lose as well. Never liked them either, nor their stupid yellow towels. Guess I'm a Cardinals fan for a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the earth is back on its axis once again.go cards.i will sacrific 10 dvd copies of INVICIBLE
to celebrate tonite.lonnie